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Deep Ecology - Ecologia Profunda

Deep Ecology

Deep ecology is the modern way of life, based on the shifting away from the reality exclusively in terms of human values and experiences
established by environmental and green groups and movements. This way of life is noticeable by a new explanation of "self" which minimizes the importance of the reliance on reason as the best guide for beliefs and actions together between human organism and its environment. It then allows importance to be placed upon the basic values of other species, systems, and processes of nature.
Deep ecology is often stated as "deep" because it poses the deeper questions about the role of human life in the ecosphere. From a scientific point of view, deep ecology is in the fields of ecology and system dynamics. But from a spiritual side it is the human species that forms parts of the earth and it cannot be separated from it.

Other traditions such as Taoism and Zen Buddhism have influenced deep ecology over the recent years. This is because they have a non-dualistic approach to subjects and objects.
The world does not exist as a resource to be freely exploited by human; this is what many advocates of deep ecology believe. The belief is that the whole system is ethically superior to any of its parts. Proponents has offers an eight-tier platform to make clear of their claims. Let's have a look at them:

There are values in both well-being and flourish of human and non-human life on earth. It is these independent values of usefulness of the non-human world for individual purposes.
It is the fortune and variety of life forms that contribute to the understanding of each of these values and are also values within themselves.
Individuals do not have any rights to lessen this fortune and variety except to fulfill the necessity of human needs.
4. The significant decline of the human population is well-matched with the growing of human life and their cultures. It is the growing of non-human life which requires such decline.
Intrusion at present by human with the non-human world is unnecessary, and this situation is deteriorating quickly.
It is therefore important for laws and government policies such as basic economic, technological, and ideological structures to change. As a result, the state of dealings will be different from the present.
The ideal change is to appreciate the quality of life that we currently have rather than holding on to an increasingly higher standard of living.
For those human who pledge to proceed have an obligation directly or indirectly to try to apply the necessary changes.
Not normally considered a separate movement, but as part of the green movement, deep ecologists support devolution, the creation of eco-regions (an area defined by environmental conditions and natural features), breakdown of industrialism in its current forms, and an end to authoritarianism.

The attitude is helped by differentiating the modern ecology movement by pin pointing the human bias in terms of the environment and
rejecting the ideas that humans has as the controlling keepers of the environment.
It is a challenge that some critics believes that deep ecology is highly anti-social and that it advocates human extermination, or at least a large lessening in the human population. The view on nature role of food shortages and outbreak in diseases has been quite debatable in this area. Some critics may describe this as "eco- dictatorship". In response to this, deep ecologists maintain that they advocate a new connection between humanity and the eco-sphere.


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